Here is a good piece. The plan have a missing part but experienced model makers can complete it by theirselves, and begginers can try too:) There is some info about the ship but it's not in english. I also found the picture below, i'm not sure that its the same ship but looks similar and named KV FARM. Maybe she could be converted to another kind of ship... Please note if you have information...

It's the same KV Farm, I served on her in '88. She was converted in the early '80s, IIRC, with a new superstructure. The old bridge was converted to an officer's mess, and a new bridgedeck was added on top. I also believe the prow was raised to improve her seakeeping qualities.
BTW, "Farm" wasn't a passenger ship, but purpose built as a Norwegian Coast Guard vessel.
I also served on her as well. But I disagree. I think (and was told) that her see keeping quality went down after the new brigde. She went higher and more weight higher up. It was bad in the sea, but we managed everything with her since we were used to it
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